Week 17 Post
Over the course of the semester my view of social media has without a doubt changed and expanded. Of course I've always known about marketing through social media advertisements, but I never knew how vital they are to the success of a business. If I ever start my own business, the knowledge I took from this class will be very useful and a great addition to the web and design skills I've learned in my other classes.
Personally, with the exception of Youtube, which I believe a fair argument can be made that it is not a social media depending on one's use of it, I haven't used social media for over a year now. There is a Ted talk which I summarized in my CSIT 146 class which covers the negative impacts of social media use and addresses the main objections people have when suggested that they quit social media (link below). Personally I am very content not using social media, however I do believe when starting a company it is necessary and that it comes without the negative consequences of personal social media use.
Social media marketing is a great way to engage with one's customers, share important and relevant information, reach your specific target audience, drive traffic to your site, collect and analyze data, and of course spread awareness about your products and brand.
Of the class businesses, BarK San Diego was my favorite. I love to watch my dog play with other dogs and I love drinking IPAs with friends. Combining the two would be too much fun. I would definitely take my lab here if it was a real place.
Quit social media | Dr. Cal Newport | TEDxTysons
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