Week 13: Post 2

There are 3 main types of FaceBook ads based on a business's marketing objective. The first objective is Awareness. This ad type is designed to either reach as many people as it can or to reach only those who might be interested in the ad, in an effort to increase awareness of the company. The second objective is Consideration. This ad type is designed to create website traffic, increase engagements, get app installations, get more views on a video, generate leads (email marketing), and receive messages. The main objective of Consideration ads are to get people to think about the company and look for more info, ultimately and indirectly resulting in more conversions. The last objective is Conversion. These ads encourage people to purchase your product or service. They can either lead to purchases on ones site, show catalog items, or encourage people to visit nearby physical stores. 

For Turing Project, the objectives I would experiment with would be Brand awareness, Traffic, Engagement, and Video views. 

I chose to leave out the Reach objective from this list because I rather make use of Facebook's detailed targeting functionality to reach my target audience. I chose to leave out App Installations because I do not plan on making an app. I left out lead generation because I think it's better to collect this information on your site rather than create an ad asking for someone's information. I left out messages because I rather have public engagements. I left out all Conversion objectives because they seem too blunt, cold, and something a department store would do, not a high-end brand. 

For my ads I would use a lifetime budget so I could schedule my ads. As for my budget amount and timing, I think that will require experimentation for me to figure out what works best for my business.  


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