Week 1A: My Template

I knew when choosing a theme I wanted something dark. Something that would be easy to look at for extended periods of time. I often spend hours sitting on the computer making websites and doing school projects so dark mode is a life saver for my eyes. I use a lot of adobe's Dreamweaver and Photoshop and am so glad the two both have dark mode, I couldn't imagine using the programs without it. So for this blog I wanted it to be no different, dark mode it is.

As a web development major I've learned about design principles and usability of websites. For my theme, above all else, I wanted to make sure my text had good readability. To do this I went through a checklist. Theme has high contrast between the text and its background, check. Theme has appropriate line-height for better legibility, check. Theme has a fair amount of letter-spacing so the letters don't look squished together, check. Theme doesn't have too long of a line-length, check. Lastly the theme has a helvetica looking font, check.

Lastly I wanted everything to be very minimal and modern and allow any pictures to bring most of the color to the page. For the template I chose the Soho theme, and then customized the fonts, font colors, background colors, and removed the background image. 


  1. Wow! You really sound like you know what you're talking about. Well I suppose you would if you are majoring in web development. After reading what you wrote about how "dark mode" is easier on your eyes, I can totally understand it. I don't feel as if my eyes are straining in any way when I look at your blog. It's rather comfortable to be honest. Now when I flip back and look at my blog, my eyes are almost hurting, lol. Thanks for your post, I definitely learned something from you!

  2. You clearly have a lot of experience with the technology involved in social media. I have to say I'm jealous. Your blog is definitely easy to look at and aesthetically pleasing. I look forward to seeing more of your work in the future, and learning from and about you.

  3. Robert,

    Really enjoyed this post man! Not only did I get great insight into the background of your theme choice, I also learned a thing or two along the way! Loved the simple, readable visual of the site, which goes hand-in-hand with your equally digestible writing style. Also, I'm a sucker for Flume, so I enjoyed the images as well.

    Keep sharing that expertise with us – can't wait to see more of your content!

  4. I just learned it my web design class that a darn background is easier on the eyes, and I never knew that. This really does draw you in too. Great choice!

  5. I think everything you planned out seems to work great! I am definetly going to start using dark mode now more often because I think you are totally right how that helps not have some a bright light in your face all the time. You really put thought and effort to this and I think it looks awesome. I love the black background with that picture in front of it too I think it is super pleasing to the eye. Great job!


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